2023 – 2024 Officers
Patrick Casper
(Milwaukee Area Technical College)
Public Relations Representative
Patrick enrolled as a first-year student at Milwaukee Area Technical College in the Fall 2021. He was in the Associate of Science Transfer program. He first got involved in student government at the campus level for MATC because he was interested in having a better understanding of student government’s role within the school and quickly became more deeply involved as he saw the high potential to effect change that would benefit students and their communities. In his first academic year, he held four different offices representing the students on campus, district and state levels, including Treasurer of the Oak Creek campus, Secretary of MATC District Student Government, MATC School Board Student Representative and the MATC Governor for WSG. He endeavors to be an advocate on behalf of his fellow students statewide so that they may in turn have the resources they need to benefit their communities and our state as a whole. Upon completion of his program at MATC, he plans to transfer to UW-Madison for Engineering and Physics.
2022 – 2023 Officers
Katrina Willis
(Madison College)
It is her honor and privilege to humbly serve all the students of the Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS), the WCTS, and all stakeholders statewide. Katrina is very passionate about “being a part of the change we want to see. She looks forward to collaborating with you all, to present your interests for consideration for action by the executive board, WTCS, and the legislature. It is her personal mission to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion, as well as to advocate for and empower others to succeed.
Patrick Casper
(Milwaukee Area Technical College)
Vice President
Patrick enrolled as a first-year student at Milwaukee Area Technical College in the Fall 2021. He was in the Associate of Science Transfer program. He first got involved in student government at the campus level for MATC because he was interested in having a better understanding of student government’s role within the school and quickly became more deeply involved as he saw the high potential to effect change that would benefit students and their communities. In his first academic year, he held four different offices representing the students on campus, district and state levels, including Treasurer of the Oak Creek campus, Secretary of MATC District Student Government, MATC School Board Student Representative and the MATC Governor for WSG. He endeavors to be an advocate on behalf of his fellow students statewide so that they may in turn have the resources they need to benefit their communities and our state as a whole. Upon completion of his program at MATC, he plans to transfer to UW-Madison for Engineering and Physics.
John Krueger
(Nicolet Technical College)
Shanna Thul
(Western Technical College)
Shanna attended at Western Technical College in La Crosse, and will transfer to UWL for marketing. She is the current parliamentarian of the Western Student Government and very excited to extend herself into the role of parliamentarian for WSG! She’s always been involved in student advocacy. She was in student government in high school, now Western, and of course WSG. She loves being a voice for people and maintaining order and fairness for all. She also enjoys reading, so is always open to book recommendations!
Aspyn Koslowski
(Moraine Park Technical College)
Dylan Marx
(Southwest Technical College)
Public Relations Representative
He hopes to one day have his own business where he can create graphics, stickers, shirts and other items using skills in graphic design. He is hoping that the combination of graphic & web design and business management will set him up to be successful with his own personal business as a freelancer. He is a United States Navy veteran, having served 5 1/2 years of active duty. Because of his service, he is a founding member of the SWTC Veterans Club. He is also a member of the techies club on campus.
2020 – 2021 Officers
Ann Ilagan
Ann Ilagan is currently loving the educational journey that Mid-State Technical College provides. Being involved in Wisconsin Student Government has expanded her view on the importance of Wisconsin’s technical college system and how the 16 colleges affect their communities. Representing the students has been a highlight of the journey and a great atmosphere to apply the skills acquired in the marketing and business programs she is enrolled in. When she isn’t in the classroom or advocating for students, you can find her photographing people, searching for a good flight to explore somewhere new, drinking coffee, eating garlic, or singing loudly in the car with the windows rolled down.
Queenie Weesen
(Moraine Park)
Vice President
I was born in the Philippines, migrated to the United States and became a US Citizen in 2007. Married to Ben Weesen, I have three beautiful children, ages 16, 11, 10. My love for flying and airplanes motivated me to earn a student pilot certificate and I am on the path of earning my pilot’s license. Serving on the Board of the EAA Chapter 1158; I am the Assistant Coordinator for the Young Eagles Program; a member of Cedarburg Lions Club and serve as a certified vision screener. I am an avid gardener and enjoy the outdoors. I have worked as a Health Care provider for over twenty-one years. My passion
for caring for people has compelled me to earn my Nursing degree at Moraine Park Technical College.
I was honored to be selected as the first MPTC National Newman Civic Fellow awardee. I joined the student government to have a greater impact not only at the college level but in the community as a whole. MPTC has provided a great foundation to help me become the person I am today. I look forward to continuing to create a strong support network for my fellow students. Something fun about me is that I enjoy and appreciate different kinds of music and I love to sing. I swam with dolphins and whale sharks, even though I would not consider myself a strong swimmer. A personal quote of mine is, “it doesn’t matter if your glass is half full or half empty, your glass is always refillable.”
Justin Skubal
(Fox Valley)
Assistant Financial Officer (AFO)
As an officer of WSG, I would like to take this opportunity to step even further out of my comfort zone and network with other schools to determine a common problem(s) that we would like a solution to. I want to be someone that other people feel comfortable coming forward and talking to about whatever they need from the members of the board. One of my short-term career goals is to find a decent job within a city I like and to make enough money to buy a house. A long-term career goal I have is to open and manage my own business one day. I am still unsure of what type of business it will be, but I still have plenty of time to think about that. A couple of fun facts about me are that I grew up in the Town of Tomahawk on a small hobby farm with many different kinds of animals. During my sophomore year in high school, I participated in the GAPP program and then in the summer of 2016, I traveled to Germany for a month to learn more about the German culture. Right now, I am involved with many clubs/organizations on campus at FVTC. I chair the Finance Committee on campus and participate in the Food Committee, the Diversity and Inclusion Committee, Student Government, and Foxes Lead. I do not work while going to school because I spend my summers working 2-3 jobs so that I am able to focus on my studies and clubs and organizations rather than working while in school.
JeanAnne Schulze
I am privileged and honored to be able to represent students from 16 technical colleges in Wisconsin. I am excited for the many opportunities to learn and grow through as an officer in WSG. Also, to make a difference for students in WSG! My goal is to work together to make sure students have a strong support system in their technical colleges due to the COVID-19. I want students to know their schools are there for them and look for ways to meet their needs. I also want to make sure all Governors and Lt. Governors know their legislators well and to talk with them frequently on issues that are central to our students. I also want to encourage student leaders to have their fellow students write personal letters to their legislators on obstacles in their education. This is my first year at Western Technical College in La Crosse. I have been serving as Western’s Student Body Secretary since February and was newly elected Vice President for next year. My goal is to graduate from Western Technical College with two Associate degrees in both Nursing and Graphic Design/Digital Media. After graduation, I will be taking two more years online to get my Bachelor of Science in Nursing as I work as a Pediatric Travel Nurse.